Jukonienė I., Uselienė A., Uselis V.

Contribution to the bryophyte flora of the Viešvilė State Strict Nature Reserve [Duomenų apie Viešvilės rezervato samanas papildymas]

Santrauka Based on the results of new investigations on the bryophyte flora of the Viešvilė State Strict Nature Reserve, 28 moss and 12 hepatic species are reported as new to the bryophyte flora of the territory. Of these, 12 species are included into the Red Data Book of Lithuania. The scheme of distribution of the red-listed species in the reserve is presented.

Doi https://doi.org/10.2478/botlit-2013-0007

Raktažodžiai hepatics, mosses, conservation, important bryophyte area, Lithuania, Red Data Book

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