Gmoshinskiy V.I., Gubanov E.S., Matveev A.V.
First record of Trichia papillata Adamonytė (Myxomycetes) in Russia
Abstract During the study on myxomycete species diversity in Bitsevsky Park (Moscow), a new to Russia species
Trichia papillata Adamonytė was recorded. It is characterized by stipitate sporangia on well-defined striated stalks. Dehiscence by 6–8 well-defined small peridial plates. The main feature of the species is conspicuous dark warts on the peridium, composed of granular material. The warts are located in the centre of most peridium plates. The paper presents data on the ecological features and distribution of this species as well as iconography and illustrations of morphology, obtained using light and scanning electron microscopy.
Doi Keywords biodiversity, ecology, Moscow, Myxogastria, rare species, SEM.
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