Motiejūnaitė J., Prigodina Lukošienė I., Stončius D., Uselienė A.

Contribution to the Lithuanian flora of lichens and allied fungi. V. [Papildomi duomenys apie Lietuvos kerpių ir su jomis susijusių grybų florą. V.]

Santrauka Three species of lichens and four species of lichenicolous fungi were reported as new to Lithuania: Cercidospora macrospora, Didymocyrtis cladoniicola, Miriquidica leucophaea, Montanelia disjuncta, Plectocarpon lichenum, Porpidia nigrocruenta and Telogalla olivieri. Of these, two species, Didymocyrtis cladoniicola and Miriquidica leucophaea, were recorded for the first time in the Baltic States. Three lichens, namely Lecanora sulphurea, Protoparmelia badia and Punctelia subrudecta previously known in Lithuania from literature data were only confirmed with certainty for the first time.


Raktažodžiai Baltic States, lichenicolous fungi, lichenized fungi

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