Hansen E. S.

Contribution to the lichen flora of South East Greenland. IV. The Ammassalik area [Papildomi duomenys apie pietryčių Grenlandijos kerpių florą. IV. Ammassalik apylinkės]

Santrauka The paper lists 102 lichen taxa from the Ammassalik area, South East Greenland. Rinodina egedeana and Verrucaria erichsenii are new to East Greenland. Seven lichen taxa are new to South East Greenland, viz. Acarospora peliscypha, Caloplaca magni-filii, Lecanora atromarginata, Lecidella euphorea, Miriquidica nigroleprosa, Peltigera britannica and Rhizocarpon atroflavescens.

Doi https://doi.org/10.1515/botlit-2016-0007

Raktažodžiai Arctic region, diversity, lichens

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