Tupčiauskaitė J., Žemgulytė T.

Preliminary data on distribution and identification of Diphasiastrum × zeilleri (Rouy) Holub in Lithuania [Pirminiai duomenys apie Diphasiastrum × zeilleri (Rouy) Holub paplitimą ir identifikavimą Lietuvoje].


The paper presents preliminary data on distribution of Diphasiastrum × zeilleri in Lithuania based on the collections of Vilnius University Herbarium (WI) and the data of Polish herbaria. According to these data, 25 localities of Diphasiastrum × zeilleri were revealed. The description of Diphasiastrum × zeilleri, the list of its specimens from WI collections, the pictures of typical embranchment of these species and the dorsal and ventral sides of branches from the Herbarium collections, the identification key of Diphasiastrum complanatum, D. tristachyum, D. × zeiller were analysed. WI Diphasiastrum genus collection includes: D. complanatum (46 branches, 19 herbarium sheets), D. × zeilleri (33 branches, 17 herbarium sheets) and D. tristachyum (21 branches, 7 herbarium sheets), specimens.

Doi https://doi.org/10.2478/v10279-012-0016-4

Raktažodžiai Diphasiastrum × zeilleri, distribution, identification key, Lithuania.

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