Treigienė, A.

Fungi associated with Ammophila arenaria in Lithuania and taxonomical notes on some species. [Grybai, susiję su pajūrine smiltlendre (Ammophila arenaria) Lietuvoje, ir taksonominės pastabos apie kelias jų rūšis]


Seventeen species of parasitic and saprotrophic fungi were identified on Ammophila arenaria (Poaceae). Two species were ascribed to the Basidiomycota (Uredinales), seven – to Ascomycota and eight – to anamorphic fungi. The plant is reported as a new host for Phaeoseptoria airae and Septoriella junci. Five species were new for Lithuania: Amarenomyces ammophilae, Mycosphaerella lineolata, M. psammae, Phaeosphaeria marram, P. vagans. These fungi are described, illustrated and briefly discussed. Taxonomical notes for some species are provided.

Raktažodžiai Uredinales, ascomycetes, anamorphic fungi, distribution

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