Treigienė, A.
Fungi associated with Ammophila arenaria in Lithuania and taxonomical notes on some species. [Grybai, susiję su pajūrine smiltlendre (Ammophila arenaria) Lietuvoje, ir taksonominės pastabos apie kelias jų rūšis]
SantraukaSeventeen species of parasitic and saprotrophic fungi were
identified on Ammophila arenaria (Poaceae). Two species were ascribed to the
Basidiomycota (Uredinales), seven – to Ascomycota and eight – to anamorphic
fungi. The plant is reported as a new host for Phaeoseptoria airae and
Septoriella junci. Five species were new for Lithuania: Amarenomyces
ammophilae, Mycosphaerella lineolata, M. psammae, Phaeosphaeria marram, P.
vagans. These fungi are described, illustrated and briefly discussed.
Taxonomical notes for some species are provided.