Kasperovičienė, J., Koreivienė, J.
Coccoid green algae flora in plankton of small lakes of the Baltic Uplands [Rytinės Baltijos kalvyno dalies mažųjų ežerų planktono kokoidinių žaliadumblių flora]
SantraukaOne hundred and thirty five species of coccoid green algae
ascribed to 12 families and 50 genera were recorded in 28 small lakes located
in the Eastern part of the Baltic Uplands. They comprised almost half of the
known coccoid algae species (284) in Lithuania. Scenedesmaceae (41 species),
Chlorellaceae (25), Oocystaceae (19) families and Scenedesmus (26), Pediastrum
(12) genera were the most diverse. Very rare species worldwide
Echinosphaeridium nordstedtii Lemmermm., Monoraphidium flexuosum Komárek,
Pseudokirchneriella roselata (Hindák) Hindák, Thorakochloris nygaardii Fott
were among 34 species new to the Lithuanian Chlorococcales algae flora. The
discrepancies in number and size of cells, colonies, coenobia as well as
atypical morphological structures were evident in the lakes characterised by
high anthropogenic impact and extreme environmental conditions.