Ridha El Mokni

Coleostephus myconis subsp. discolor (Asteraceae, Asteroideae) new to North Afric

Abstract Coleostephus myconis (L.) Cass. ex Rchb. subsp. discolor (Guss.) Arrigoni (Asteraceae, Asteroideae, Anthemideae) has been previously reported to occur naturally in western Italy and its Mediterranean islands. In 2013, native populations of Coleostephus myconis subsp. discolor were recorded for the first time in Tunisia. This is also the first report of this taxon to North Africa. In Tunisia, Coleostephus myconis subsp. discolor grows in coastal areas, on open clayey soils, and in communities of thermophilous herbs. The two populations observed are relatively small, covering 1000 m2 and 3000 m2. Further records of this taxon in other localities in neighbouring countries in North Africa are highly probable.

Doi https://doi.org/10.35513/Botlit.2024.2.6

Keywords chorology, coastal communities, floristics, Mediterranean region, new records, Tunisia

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