Mariia Shanaida, Viktoria Mashtaler, Liudmyla Sira, Tetiana Gontova

Evaluation of diagnostic morphological and anatomical features of Ocimum americanum (Lamiaceae) raw material

Abstract Standardisation is an essential factor in determining the quality of raw material, as medicinal plants have a great natural heterogeneity due to their different geographical distribution, ecological growth conditions, and presence of varieties and chemotypes. Morphological and anatomical characteristics are very important in the pharmacognostic identification of plant raw material with valuable therapeutic potential. This study aimed to conduct the mаcro- and microscopic analysis of Ocimum americanum L., a non-traditional medicinal plant. The aerial part of plants cultivated in West Podillya (Ukraine) was harvested during the flowering period. The shape, size, colour, and features of the surface of aboveground plant organs were studied. The revealed specific morphological and anatomical characteristics of the Ocimum americanum stems, leaves, and flowers can allow us to identify its raw material and prevent the ingress of contaminants with aerial parts of plants belonging to other taxa of the genus Ocimum.


Keywords flower, leaf, macroscopic features, microscopic features, pharmacognostic characteristics, plant raw material, stem

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