Khimich Y. R., Shiryaev A. G., Volobuev S. V.

SOME Noteworthy findINGS of aphyllophoroid fungi in the north of Eastern Fennoscandia (Murmansk region, Russia)

Abstract Twenty-eight noteworthy species of aphyllophoroid fungi were recorded in the Murmansk Region (north-eastern Fennoscandia, Russia). Twenty-one species were reported for the first time in the region: Ceratellopsis corneri, Clavaria amoenoides, C. flavipes, Clavulinopsis umbrinella, Fibulomyces mutabilis, Hydnomerulius pinastri, Hyphoderma sibiricum, Hypochnicium albostramineum, Lentaria afflata, L. micheneri, Peniophorella pallida, Piloderma lanatum, Postia rennyi, Pseudotomentella umbrina, Ramariopsis crocea, R. tenuicula, Sarcodon scabrosus, Sistotrema diademiferum, Typhula curvispora, T. pachypus and T. struthiopteridis. Seven species are second and third records in the forest tundra and northern boreal zone: Ceratellopsis sagittiformis, Odontia fibrosa, Phaeoclavulina flaccida, Pterula sclerotiicola, Ramariopsis tenuiramosa, Tomentellopsis echinospora and Tulasnella allantospora.


Keywords anthropogenic impact, climate change, CRIS, forest-tundra, fungal distribution, GBIF, new records, subarctic

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