Shakhmatov A.S.
Genera Euastrum and Micrasterias (Charophyta, Desmidiales) from fens in the southern part of Middle Urals, Russia
Abstract The floristic survey of the desmids in lakes of the southern part of Middle Urals revealed nine species representing the genus
Euastrum and eight taxa belonging to the genus
Micrasterias. Among them, four taxa (
Euastrum germanicum, E. verrucosum var.
alatum, Micrasterias fimbriata, M. mahabuleshwarensis var.
wallichii) were new records to the Ural Region, whereas the other four taxa (
Euastrum verrucosum, Micrasterias americana, M. furcata and
M. truncata) were found for the first time in Middle Urals. Canonical correspondence analysis, which was performed to assess habitat preferences of the studied algae, showed that most species were more abundant in slightly acidic water and occurred predominantly in benthic habitats.
Doi Keywords Chelyabinsk Region, Conjugatophyceae, Desmidiaceae, distribution, new records, Sverdlovsk Region
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