Rūrāne I., Evarts-Bunders P., Nitcis M.

Distribution trends of some species of the Brassicaceae family in Latvia

Abstract The aim of this paper was to clarify and analyse the distribution trends of some Brassicaceae species (Bunias orientalis, Sisymbrium volgense, Barbarea arcuata, Draba nemorosa and Camelina alyssum) in Latvia. Field studies and the herbarium material analyses were carried out. The distribution trends were analysed by comparing all selected species in three time periods: by 1940, from 1941 to 1990, and from 1991 to the present. The study shows that the distribution of Brassicaceae species such as Bunias orientalis, Sisymbrium volgense, Barbarea arcuata and Draba nemorosa has increased significantly in Latvia during the time period from 1991 to the present, and these species are mostly found on railway, ruderal areas and roadsides, which are important habitats for species distribution. The occurrence of Camelina alyssum has considerably declined or perhaps the species has even disappeared from the flora of Latvia, which has been affected greatly by changes in the cultivation of agricultural crops as well as in agricultural land management.

Doi https://doi.org/10.2478/botlit-2018-0012

Keywords alien species, Brassicaceae, distribution, Latvia

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