Sterlyagova I., Shabalina J.
Algae in sphagnum epiphyton from the mires of the Subpolar Urals [Kiminų epifitono dumbliai subpoliarinio Uralo pelkėse]
Abstract Species diversity of algal communities of sphagnum epiphyton was studied in six mountain and plain mires of the Subpolar Urals (Russia). A total of 154 species and intraspecific taxa from six divisions were identified. The highest species richness was recorded for Bacillariophyta (96 taxa) and Charophyta (33) divisions. Species
Kobayasiella parasubtilissima, Tabellaria flocculosa and
Eunotia lunaris had high abundance. Dominant communities were often formed by
Eunotia lunaris, E. mucophila, Kobayasiella parasubtilissima and
Pinnularia subcapitata. CCA analysis showed that conductivity and altitude above the sea level are the main factors affecting the development of algae in the studied mires.
Doi Keywords algal flora, mountain mires, sphagnum epiphyton, Subpolar Urals
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