Uselienė A., Uselis V.
Vascular flora of the Viešvilė State Strict Nature Reserve and its buffer zone (West Lithuania) [Viešvilės valstybinio gamtinio rezervato ir jo apsaugos zonos induočių flora (Vakarų Lietuva)]
Abstract The paper presents analysis of the results of floristic studies carried out over 25 years in the Viešvilė State Strict Nature Reserve (VSSNR) and its buffer zone. The list of 703 vascular plant species including the data on their distribution and dynamics of abundance are provided. The native flora of the VSSNR includes 580 species, i.e. amounts to 47% of all native vascular plant species recorded in Lithuania. Since 1991, after the establishment of the Reserve, 15 species have become extinct and 30 have become endangered as a result of natural succession. Among 37 alien species recorded in the Reserve, four species are penetrating into natural habitats and threatening their existence. It was ascertained that about half of all species were recorded in meadows and glades of the forests, i.e. in the habitats, which occupy less than 1% of the whole territory. These are also habitats of most extinct and endangered species. Riparian and fontinal black alder woods are the most rich in vascular plant species among forest habitats.
Doi Keywords native flora, plant habitats, protected areas
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