Motiejūnaitė J.

Lichens and allied fungi from the Čepkeliai State Nature Reserve (southern Lithuania) [Čepkelių valstybinio rezervato (pietinė Lietuva) kerpės ir su jomis susiję grybai]

Abstract Results of inventory of lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied saprobic fungi from the Čepkeliai State Nature Reserve are presented. From this largest in Lithuania mire complex, altogether 207 species (of these, 180 species of lichens, 22 lichenicolous and 5 non-lichenized saprobic fungi) are reported. One lichenized – Fuscidea praeruptorum and two lichenicolous species – Sphaerellothecium cladoniae and Taeniolella cladinicola are reported for the first time in Lithuania. Two lichenicolous fungi – Endococcus tricolorans and Nectriopsis cariosae are reported for the first time in the Baltic region. Parmelia and Pseudevernia are reported as new host genera for Endococcus tricolorans.


Keywords lichenicolous fungi, lichens, Lithuania, protected areas, wetlands

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