Patova E., Sterlyagova I., Shabalina Y.

Rare macroscopic algae species in the Pechora and Vychegda River basins (north-eastern part of European Russia) [Retos makroskopinių dumblių rūšys Pečoros ir Vyčegdos upių baseinuose (Rusijos europinės dalies šiaurės rytai]

Abstract Ten rare species of macroscopic algae were found in freshwater ecosystems of the Pechora and Vychegda River basins, belonging to four divisions: Cyanoprokaryota – 1 species, Rhodophyta – 3, Chrysophyta – 1, Charophyta – 5. Some of these were included in the regional Red Data Books of Nenets Autonomous District and Komi Republic, others were recommended to be included. Areas of distribution were marked; algae development conditions and limiting factors were described.


Keywords freshwater ecosystems, north-eastern part of European Russia, Pechora and Vychegda Rivers, rare endangered macroscopic algae, Red Data Book

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