Hansen E. S.
Notes on some new and interesting Greenland lichens with particular emphasis on high arctic taxa [Pastabos apie retas ir įdomias Grenlandijos kerpes, ypač poliarinių dykumų taksonus]
Abstract The paper lists 73 taxa of Greenland lichens.
Immersaria athroocarpa, Melanelixia subaurifera and
Polyblastia sakkobanensis are recorded for the first time from Greenland.
Melanelia agnata, Melanohalea exasperatula and
Peltigera britannica are new to South Greenland, while
Miriquidica intrudens and
Peltigera ponojensis are new to Central West Greenland.
Caloplaca citrina, Cladonia galindezii, Pertusaria bryontha, Protoblastenia rupestris, Sphaerophorus globosus and
Staurothele drummondii represent northern range extensions in North East Greenland. New localities north of 80° N are given for 59 lichen taxa from Greenland.
Doi https://doi.org/10.2478/botlit-2013-0018 Keywords lichens, polar desert, high arctic, Greenland
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