Šiukštaitė L., Patamsytė J., Žvingila D.
Impact of genetic and demographic factors on the expansion potential of alien species Bunias orientalis in the suburbs of Vilnius [Genetinių ir demografinių veiksnių įtaka svetimkraštės rūšies Bunias orientalis vienos populiacijos plitimo galimybėms]
Abstract Bunias orientalis L. (
Brassicaceae) is an alien and already naturalized plant species in Lithuania. Our purpose was to assess genetic diversity and age structure within single Belmontas population of
B. orientalis, using RAPD, ISSR assays and herbchronology analysis. Three selected RAPD primers produced 58 scorable DNA bands, 53.33% of which were polymorphic. RAPD analysis identified 31 DNA markers. Six ISSR primers produced 113 reliable bands, but the level of polymorphism was slightly lower (38.1%) than RAPD. The 43 ISSR markers were identified. DNA markers were used for analysis of population genetic structure. AMOVA revealed significant genetic differentiation (ΦPT = 0.11) among subpopulations of
B. orientalis located on both riversides of the Vilnia River. UPGMA cluster analysis did not reveal identical individuals in the group of studied plants, which indicate that spreading by seeds prevails in Belmontas population. Based on herbchronology analysis, young individuals dominate and provide good perspectives for population spreading.
Doi https://doi.org/10.2478/botlit-2013-0014 Keywords Bunias orientalis, herbchronology analysis, genetic diversity, population structure, ISSR, RAPD
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