Kutorga E., Adamonytė G., Iršėnaitė R., Kasparavičius J., Markovskaja S., Motiejūnaitė J., Treigienė A.
A checklist of mycobiota recorded in burnt and unburnt Pinus mugo plantations in the Curonian Spit (Lithuania) [Degusių ir nedegusių kalninės pušies (Pinus mugo) plantacijų Kuršių nerijoje (Lietuva) mikobiotos konspektas]
Abstract A devastating crown-fire occurred in May 2006 in mountain pine (Pinus mugo) plantations located in the Curonian Spit (Lithuania). During different seasons (spring and autumn) from 2007 to 2009, the mycobiota (including myxobiota) of burnt and unburnt P. mugo stands was examined in permanent sampling plots. The mycobiota checklist provides data on species composition and substrates occupied by fungi and myxomycetes. A total of 390 species of fungi and myxomycetes were recorded. At unburnt sites, 262 species were identified, 215 – at burnt sites. Forty three species were registered for the first time in Lithuania. Rare and noteworthy species are commented.
Doi https://doi.org/10.2478/v10279-012-0009-3 Keywords fungi, lichens, myxomycetes, mountain pine, crown-fire, coastal sand dunes
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