Treigienė, A., Stanevičienė, S

Mycological and lichenological investigations in the former Soviet military forestries in Lithuania. Micromicetes: Sphaeropsidales. [Mikologiniai lichenologiniai tyrimai buvusiose sovietinėse girininkijose Lietuvoje. Mikromicetai: spuogagrybiečiai (Sphaeropsidales)]


In the investigated six former Soviet military forestries 87 species of Sphaeropsidales fungi, inhabiting 73 host plant species were revealed. The richest in species genera were as follows: Septoria (32 species), Phyllosticta (17), Cytospora (11), Ascochyta (10). 43 fungi species were new to Lithuania. New host plants were revealed, e.g. Septoria convolvuli was found on Calystegia sepium, Ascochyta githaginis – on Cerastium holosteoides. Rare in Lithuania and in whole Europe species Ascochyta euonymus, A. githaginis and Septoria dimera were found. Military areas differed in fungi species number: 41 species in Pabradė military forestry, 36 in Kazlų Rūda, 25 in Gaižiūnai, 14 in Kairiai, 7 Nemirseta and 5 in Rūdininkai. It is notable that in Pabradė military forestry, Phyllosticta curenta strongly injured Polygonatum odortum,. In Kazlų Rūda Septoria rubi strongly displayed itself on Rubus idaeus.

Keywords fungi, Sphaeropsidales, military forestries, Lithuania.
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